Weekly Thread "No Stupid Questions" | September 09, 2020

#Hello and welcome to our ** “No Stupid Questions” ** thread. ## What is a “No stupid questions” thread you can do? It’s simple! There is no stupid question in this thread, feel free to ask any questions you have in mind! * Wondering which animation program to use? I asked for! * Are you curious to know how viable animation is as a career? This is the place for you! * Can’t master this technique? Someone will surely help you! Now of course there are a few rules to follow, pretty simple too! Please check the following: 1. There are no dumb questions, anything is fair game. [Just because you know something doesn’t mean everyone does!](http://i.imgur.com/9torI5i.png) 1. Don’t spam the thread with the same question if you don’t get an answer, maybe try the next thread! 1. The post remains active and will answer questions from beginners until the next post is uploaded. Any beginner questions found out of the thread will be removed and redirected here. 1. Ask as many questions as you like while the thread is live, and feel free to post to the next thread after the current one is over. Try to keep your questions to the fewest posts possible! This thread is intended for questions that don’t encourage much discussion. If you want to start a discussion outside of this thread, go ahead! Be courteous and respect others, as the best way to get help is to make sure people want to help you, and don’t forget to sort this thread by new so you can see any questions that may have gone unanswered.

#Hello and welcome to our ** “No Stupid Questions” ** thread. ## What is a “No stupid questions” thread you can do? It’s simple! There is no stupid question in this thread, feel free to ask any questions you have in mind! * Wondering which animation program to use? I asked for! * Are you curious to know how viable animation is as a career? This is the place for you! * Can’t master this technique? Someone will surely help you! Now of course there are a few rules to follow, pretty simple too! Please check the following: 1. There are no dumb questions, anything is fair game. [Just because you know something doesn’t mean everyone does!](http://i.imgur.com/9torI5i.png) 1. Don’t spam the thread with the same question if you don’t get an answer, maybe try the next thread! 1. The post remains active and will answer questions from beginners until the next post is uploaded. Any beginner questions found out of the thread will be removed and redirected here. 1. Ask as many questions as you like while the thread is live, and feel free to post to the next thread after the current one is over. Try to keep your questions to the fewest posts possible! This thread is intended for questions that don’t encourage much discussion. If you want to start a discussion outside of this thread, go ahead! Be courteous and respect others, as the best way to get help is to make sure people want to help you, and don’t forget to sort this thread by new so you can see any questions that may have gone unanswered.

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