Nintendo DS Homebrew Software - Hundreds of Free Games Are Just One Click Away

When I started trying to find out more about Nintendo DS Homebrew, I was fascinated by the concept that there were hundreds of games and applications available for my Nintendo DS – absolutely FREE! I must admit, I had no idea what Homebrew software was. I read about this on Nintendo DS online forums, and kept hearing about interesting and sometimes amazing homebrew apps and home games that I could just download for free and play on my Nintendo DS or DS Lite.

The reality of unreleased games and applications freely available should appeal to any handheld owner, and I’m certainly no exception. So what is homebrew? A Homemade Game Boy and Nintendo DS game is software written by intelligent programmers for the Nintendo DS system. Most of the software is of the highest quality. Homebrew greatly increases the functionality of the Nintendo DS. And boy, did I discover applications. Several of the Nintendo DS home games fall short, but the vast majority of them would make even the best commercial games jealous.

I spent a lot of time researching. I spent a whole week looking for more information and doing nothing but research, and lots of home game downloads, I realized that what I needed to buy was a device that would allow me to store and then play all the homebrew software I had. now I had it sitting on my PC’s hard drive. From my research I discovered that there are about 15-20 development / homebrew and flash kits available for Nintendo DS and Game Boy Advance. One of the most popular units was the Supercard SD and a very new one, called the M3 DS Simply. These little devices are touted by home gamers as the easiest to use and the most affordable Game Boy Advance and Nintendo DS Media admins / development systems.

For owners of Nintendo DS and Game Boy Advance portable systems, I would recommend the Supercard SD because the Supercard SD can also be used on your Game Boy Advance. And there are literally thousands of homebrew games and applications available for the Game Boy Advance system. Nintendo DS Homebrew will hit those numbers too, and it might have even more free games and apps. Where can you find the hombrew software I’m writing about? Just go to your favorite search engine and type in NINTENDO DS HOMEBREW or GAMEBOY ADVANCE HOMEBREW and you will get a list of pages and pages of websites that speak, service or just carry all the latest FREE home software. It really is almost an adventure. And I wouldn’t be surprised if some of these hombrew programmers end up being commercial game programmers in the very near future. The quality of the games is that good!

Both the Supercard SD and M3 DS simply do a lot more than just play home Nintendo DS roms. They play movies, mp3 music, and allow you to view your latest digital photos in the JPEG image format used by most digital cameras. Both units also allow you to read e-books directly on the screen of your Nintendo DS in the form of TXT documents. Now when I say movies, I really mean movies. With the included software, you can convert your DVD movies to play on the Supercard SD or M3 DS Simply, and watch them on the go.

The Supercard SD (SD stands for Secure Digital) and the M3 DS Simply have an advantage over many development kits. The Supercard SD uses low-cost Secure Digital memory cards, for unlimited storage capacity, while the M3 DS Simply uses microSD cards. You can easily find SD and microSD cards at any electronics store like Radio Shack, BestBuy, and even eBay if you want a bargain and can wait a few days to get the item in the mail. I refer to an advantage because almost all other flash kits have built-in memory. While this may be a good thing, it holds you back when looking for additional storage for movies, games, or apps.

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