YouTube: the best source of free traffic

Traffic = customers = money.

No traffic = no customers = no money

Traffic is the lifeblood of any business; Without it, you have no business and whether you like it or not YouTube is the number one site for free traffic.

I say “like it or not” because while most people like to watch a video, many online business owners don’t like to do it. Either they don’t like the idea of ​​being on camera or, if that doesn’t put them off, they think the video has to be perfect, a top-notch production that costs thousands.

It’s a shame because you don’t have to appear in front of a camera, have you ever heard of PowerPoint? – (you can actually get PowerPoint videos made very cheaply on Fiverr – just give whoever you choose an outline of what you want, let them do the rest and when everything is agreed just post it) – and you don’t need to spend thousands either, or even anything if you already own a mobile phone, I-pad, desktop computer, or digital camera.

Videos recorded on all these devices and all of different quality have proven popular regardless of the quality of the actual video; it is the quality of the CONTENT that is most crucial.

You can produce the most ingenious professional video possible, but if the message or content is bland, nondescript, or worse, useless, very few people will see it and even fewer, if any, will share it.

Using YouTube is a great way to make your business (online or offline) available, but you have to give your viewers something in exchange for them to see you.

You should give them the information they want, perhaps an answer or answers to a common question or questions. That’s when people will engage with you, maybe share your content or sign up for your list and become customers. Give visitors a reason to visit your website.

For example, if your video is about the public domain, show them a website or websites where they can find out what’s in the public domain that is relevant to their requirements.

If your video is about making videos, provide them with information that they can act on immediately without paying for it.

Remember, always have a call to action (CTA) at the end of the video. There is no point in giving good information just to not tell the visitor how or where to get more! Add a share button for Facebook, Twitter, etc. and this will help spread the word (your word!)

The length of a video is important; Personally, I can’t bear to sit for an hour of a sales video so I don’t bother, however if there is a “read transcript” button just below the video, I will almost always click on it. and get the information in my spare time, which is usually much faster than video.

That being said, these types of videos have proven to be successful (but not with me), so if your product warrants it (usually means the product is expensive), then go for it, but promotional or informational videos made for YouTube are usually 3 – 9 minutes long.

Some time ago I read that 3 minutes or so a few seconds was the most popular length of watched videos, but many very informative videos are twice as long and as long as the information or content is valuable, people will see it.

People like information that is concise, direct, and useful. Give them that in no more than nine minutes, preferably less and they’ll be happy.

Very short videos can work too – one minute videos are often used to make a single specific point very quickly and effectively. They are popular because they are so short, but again, it is the content that is important.

You get traffic from people watching the video and the best way to get people to watch the video is when you are on the first page of Google.

So how can you get your videos to the first page of Google in doubly fast time? Good question and (here’s the little tweak mentioned above) the answer is:

  • RETURN LINKS. Google loves backlinks.
  • Backlinks show that a video is popular and are achieved when other websites, articles, or forums link to your video. The more backlinks the video has, the higher the Google ranking will be.

  • They also act as references and help build your authority in whatever niche you are in – a vital component of a successful business.

Now you can do this yourself, but it takes a long time unless you use specific software that costs hundreds of dollars. However, there is a faster way.

Remember I mentioned Fiverr earlier? Okay, go there and type “video backlinks” in the search bar and click on “social video marketing”. Order the result by Average. Customer review.

You will then see ads from people who will create numerous backlinks for you with prices starting at $ 5. The more backlinks you pay, the sooner you will get to page 1 of Google, usually within a few days. Surely a bargain.

You may be thinking that this post is only about YouTube. It is not. It really is about TRAFFIC. YouTube happens to be the number one source of free traffic, so I thought it would be helpful to talk more in depth about YouTube in particular, especially if you’re just getting started.

If you’re just starting out, funds can be tight, so while it may not be targeted traffic you’re specifically attracting, it’s a very good way to build a list very quickly and some people on that list will buy from you.

Hope you found this useful. Good luck if you take any action and give it a try.

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