Get started with video work from recording to end use of product online
How to record and upload movies to streaming video and
video streaming websites
If you are not familiar with video work or do not have some experience in this field, let’s see together what and how you can do to record movie clips and videos from any source.
External Video Movie Sources – These motions are those you play back on your camcorder, VCR recorder, satellite receiver, or TV channels. Our goal is to learn how to digitize those movie clips and upload them to your computer for later uploading to video streaming websites and sharing with your friends and family.
First of all, you need to have a video signal digitizer that takes the signal from your video device where the movies are running. For this, most programs have a capture option to capture the signal from the USB or Firewire 1394 input of your computer. If you are using a digital video camera, they all provide a DV output that you send to your PC’s USB input. You can also use the VCR output and connect it to the Firewire 1394 input on your PC. This is a necessary condition if you are going to use your digital camera as a transfer medium when you need to digitize the analog camera signal using the conversion capabilities of a digital camera (PC – Digital Camera – Analog Camera; digitize the analog signal via the digital camera and send it to the computer). After capturing the movie clip, you can work with the video software and save it to your hard drive in various video formats (AVI, MPG, WMV depends on the video manipulation program you are using).
Now if you are copying movie clips from TV or VCR recorder or satellite receiver, this is another story. In this case you need an intermediate device to digitize the signal and send it to the computer. There are several such devices to buy on the market, such as Pinnacle’s DAZZLE 170. In any case the USB input to your PC is used.
To capture the signal you need a software program like Pinacle 8, or Video 9 from ULEAD or any other of the 100 on the market. But you can also use AVS Capture Wizard which in its basic functionality is freeware and you can download it here.
Get the movie clip on your hard drive
In fact, I am using DAZZLE 170 (not an expensive digitizer) and AVS capture wizard (by downloading AVS you get more free modules like AVS Video Converter and AVS Video ReMaker) and I am very happy with the quality of the videos I acquired . Selecting Dazzlee 170 as the video and audio source (you can also select your microphone if you need to speak in a text during capture or sound blaster playing a music track, but I don’t recommend doing so. Better to use a more sophisticated method later on like we will see) you will have the movie playing in the AVS Capture Wizard preview monitor. You can then start / stop recording what you see from the source (VCR, TV channel or satellite). The video file at the end will automatically be stored in a predefined folder on your hard drive in MPG format. You can also convert if you want to another format as explained in the next paragraph.
Now we are ready to work with these captured movies. If you’ve used the software you are using for video manipulation as your capture program, then you’re done. Your movie is automatically placed in the movie library and you can start working with it.
If not, you have to start your favorite program that you are using for video manipulation and import the movies you previously captured with the broadcaster (in my case the AVS capture wizard).
Once you have all your clips together, have done the relative video montage, put background music, you can save as a movie in a format like MPG or AVI or WMV (Microsoft movie maker) on your hard drive.
Convert your movies
In many cases, you may need to convert your video files to other formats based on usage (burn to CD / DVD, make a smaller file to upload, play it on your website that uses a player script for a certain format, etc. ..). There are hundreds of video converters, but some of them are free to download, like: RIVA FLV Encoder or Media coder 0.5.1. Riva Flv Encoder will convert your file to the Macromedia FLV file format, which becomes small and easy to upload to any streaming service. You can also play it on your computer using SLV or FLV Player or Total Video Player (you can download it for free from the internet) which plays many video file formats. Media Coder will convert your video to any format defined by you, like AVI, MPG, etc. If you have a very large file (eg more than 300MB), Media Coder can convert it to a file of about 30MB in FLV or AVI formats and still very good quality.
Conclusion, you can record any movie clip from TV or video camera or satellite program and upload it to your website (so your visitors can see it) or you can upload it to a streaming service like http: //www.gooclip. net then having to convert it to smaller sizes because, on the one hand, streaming services can load a maximum of movies up to 100MB, and on the other hand, they will take up less space on your computer.
How to Play Captured and Produced Movies on Your Website
Depending on the format you have obtained as the final video product, you must use the appropriate player script to play a video file format on your website. For AVI, MPG, WMV, FLV, SWF, ASX, etc. there are different scripts to do the job. To know how to read my article at
I hope this article has helped some of you start a very entertaining hobby. If you want to test the results, please post your movie on my website or, a movie streaming service for users.
Check out more video soft Here
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