Home Video Editing Tips to Bring Your Home Movies to the Forefront

Home video editing offers huge challenges and immense opportunities that can trigger some simple home video editing tips. Most amateur videographers put all their time, planning, and effort into shooting video. Once you’re done, or as they used to say, on the tin, it’s time to move on to the next step, editing, where simple home movie tips can greatly enhance your project.

I really mean simple home movie editing tips. First of all, you should spend as much time planning the editing of your project as you are planning the filming. If you spend this time pre-producing your project, many of the pitfalls of editing can be easily avoided. These home video tips apply to projects you shoot from a script, as well as to family events that happen spontaneously.

Tip number two for home movie editing is to think about the size of your shots as you shoot and edit your video. You want to make edits that go from one shot of one size to another. If the camera angle remains the same and you crop some images, the resulting slice will look like a time slice where the action jumps from one point to another. This is called a jump cut in the world of professional video editors. You should avoid skip cuts unless you are trying to add the effect of time compression to your story. If you’ve zoomed in with the camera, the cut will look smoother and more natural, even though it’s still the same angle.

Of all the home movie editing tips, number three is the one most often overlooked and the one that can add the most professionalism to video editing. Try to change the camera angles when making cuts! It’s not that difficult when you’re recording your video to stop the shot and move five to six feet to each side and change the size of the shot before resuming the shot. If you employ just one of these home video editing tips, this is the one you should always use, because it brings the most professionalism to video editing. Every time you change the camera angle on a cut, the cut is much smoother.

My fourth home movie editing tip is really a subtitle for number three. Overlap or prelap your audio into image slices whenever possible. This is very important, because the sudden change in sound in a cut-off can make you feel that there is something wrong with the cut-off, when it is actually the sound that is playing.

If you use just these four home video editing tips, you will see a huge improvement in your home video editing projects. It’s that simple, use these four basic home video editing tips and you’ll be on your way to being the envy of your video editing contemporaries.

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