Importance of the rotoscopy technique in the film industry

Rotoscopy is basically a technique used in animation, as animators capture the action live frame by frame to develop an animated film. Previously, captured live actions were projected onto a frosted glass panel and redrawn by the animator. This equipment used for projection is called a “Rotoscope”. Today this equipment has been replaced by computers.

The visual effects industry today explains rotoscopy as a technique used to create a matte for an element on a live action plate to blend it with another background. The term rotoscopy generally abbreviated as “Broken” is used as a tool for visual effects in live action movies. Rotoscopy mainly involves cutting an image from a background and then replacing it with a new background or rotoscopy involves extracting a moving image from a video and replacing the background totally or partially with special effects. Using this technique, editors trace the motion of the live action film in each frame for use in a video.

Rotoscopy techniques used:

• Articulated rotoscopy

• Creation of trash mate

• Matt generation

• 2D motion tracking

• Rotosplining

• Paint Retouch / Cloning


Silhouette FX is software used in the visual effects industry to facilitate rotoscopy. This software is designed exclusively for rotoscopy. The main advantage of using this software is that it can be used as standalone software or it can also be used to support applications with After Effects or Final Cut Pro. This software also helps to verify all rotoscopy needs from a single point and therefore Therefore, it reduces the tedious work effort.

Mocha, the software is entirely dedicated to rotoscopy. This software uses a plane tracker to help position, rotate, scale, cut and change the perspective of the roto-splines. It has a number of knurled tools, all intended to make rotoscopy a quicker and easier task.

AE CS3 helps produce groundbreaking motion graphics and visual effects for movies by providing the speed, precision, and powerful tools needed. AE is known primarily for its powerful arsenal of visual effects. The new AE comes to the market with several rotoscopy tools that make the process much easier.

Combustion is packed with dominant artistic tools such as in-context access to motion graphics, 3D compositing, color correction, image stabilization, vector and ripping painting, text effects, short-form editing, expressions, Flash output, and much more. . Combustion has very good rotoscopic toolkit. The simplicity of Combustion’s rotary tools lies in their ability to track points and control characters.

Fusion is a synergy of 2d and 3d tools for ultimate, hardcore compositing. Its rotoscopy tools are great like its other composition tools, as it works in a node-based environment. Mask entries in a tile are normally drawn as blue arrows, although other colors can be used for pre-masks and garbage mattes.

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