Web conferencing: the benefits of a browser-based online meeting system

If you are considering going to web and video conferencing, then it is important to know what is required to operate any proposed conferencing system. Some systems run on proprietary software and require special equipment, while browser-based systems generally do not require the installation of special software or equipment. Many organizations and individuals will find browser-based solutions easier to use. Here are some reasons why this is so:

1. They work on all operating systems. Have some users on Mac and some on PC? Do you have some users who have Linux? If you want to connect all of these people together in a conference, it may be impossible if you have to install special software to run your conference. In this case, a browser-based system that can run on all operating systems and all browsers allows you to connect with your entire staff or clientele without worrying about the type of computer they are operating.

2. No need to download and install software. Sure, people are becoming more computer literate as time goes on, but downloading and installing software and getting the software to work properly can be a roadblock for some people. The good news is that with many browser-based systems there is no software to download, because the installation is done on the host computer of the technology provider. Participating in a conference is as easy as going online to view a website.

3. People from anywhere in the world can connect and join the conference. With no equipment installation and no software installation to deal with, the door is open to broad participation in your conferences. All you have to do is notify your people and provide them with a URL and password so they can join.

4. There is no problem with the firewalls. Most offices and many people protect their computers and networks from hackers by using a firewall. This is good for security, but can become a problem if you are trying to bring people together in a conference. Many web and browser-based systems are not affected by firewalls and there is no need to give special instructions to conference participants whose computers may be protected by firewalls.

All these factors add up to a great advantage of using browser-based conferencing systems: they allow you to get the maximum participation in your online events. With little or no technical hurdles, these systems make it easy for large numbers of people to participate in online meetings, using a variety of computers and with varying degrees of computer skills. So take a look at the various conference packages on the market today and choose one that is easy to use and powerful enough to meet your communication needs.

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