This article will discuss everything you need to know about how to record and view hidden camera videos from your computer. The ability to record hidden camera videos via computer is quite a new concept and not many people are aware of it. However, after reading this article, you will be equipped enough with the knowledge to sell the idea of hidden camera videos via PC to your friends as well. First of all, you must be wondering why you should use your PC to make security camera videos. The reason is not only simple but legitimate and that is that it is safer, faster and smoother. To get the best result of hidden camera videos, you should get an IP camera. These are dynamic devices that can be connected to many devices including your DVR, TV, PC, and also to your network by connecting them directly with a CATS cable. However, if you want to record and view videos from the camera, you need to download the IP camera software on your PC first. Once you are done with the download, you c...